Our Mission:

To glorify God in response to His grace by making disciples of Jesus Christ.

Monday, May 11, 2009


the widest smile!

the longest eyelashes...

the sexiest wink!

Im sure all who attended would agree that SMACAGOW was indeed a SmAcKiNG GooD weekend!

The theme of this year's talks was on God's Guidance, a very timely message in light of current economic conditions! Paul Harrington preached faithfully on this subject, over 4 separate talks, outlining firstly the key principles to making Godly decisions and then moving on to tackle 3 areas of application:
-God's Guidance and our Job
-God's Guidance through the Holy Spirit, applying the principles to Marriage
-God's Guidance and Money

In addition, there were 4 electives available on a variety of topics:
1. How to REALLY love your husband- we saw many husbands signing their wives up for this one!
2. Relationships - singleness
3. A Christian perspective to Chinese Traditions
4. Case for Christ

We also had heaps of fun games, icebreakers and our very own SMACC pageant,over an 8 course banquet dinner! -
see photos for footage of SMACC's widest smile, sexiest wink and longest eyelashes :)

SO..What else did 80 SMACC/ACA ers do in the tiny town of Kampar over the long may weekend?
...Checked out Kampar town -which consisted of only 2 main roads, but provided enough entertainment in the form of delectable chicken biscuits, some drove to Kellie's castle, football at 2am (tsk tsk - we hear Andrew was involved in this too!) and one group even drove to Ipoh for taugeh chicken at 1am :)
We even managed to include SMACC Team, our monthly prayer meeting on the saturday night.
It was a very fulfilling weekend, packed with excellent teaching and lots of opportunities to build and deepen relationships.

Many Thanks to all who organised it, helped out, ran games n children ministry, designed the lovely striking chilli red tee shirt :) and photographers.

For those who couldn't make it, the talks are available online on smacc.info (sermon downloads page. Check out more photos (and videos as well!) on our Facebook site.

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