Our Mission:

To glorify God in response to His grace by making disciples of Jesus Christ.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Guidance on God's Guidance

SMAGOW this year is on the topic of Guidance. It would be great if all SMACCers came for this our annual camp - it's from May 1st-3rd, the speaker is Paul Harrington from Holy Trinity Adelaide and it's to be held at the Grand Kampar Hotel.

The 2 best books on Guidance I have found are:
1. Decision Making and the will of God (Gary Friesen & J. Robin Maxen)
2. Guidance and the Voice of God (Philip Jensen & Tony Payne).

They are strongly recommended reading! A summary of Friesen & Maxen can be found here and a review of Jensen & Payne can be found here. Reading these books or at least the summaries beforehand may raise questions and issues for you to bring for discussion at the camp.

Hope to see you in Kampar!

Andrew C.

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