Our Mission:

To glorify God in response to His grace by making disciples of Jesus Christ.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Certificate in Theology

In case you didn't know, we offer a theological course throughout the year. Affiliated with Moore College, Australia, it is a distance-learning programme which covers various topics such as the Old and New Testaments, Bible doctrine and church history, just to name a few. Each subject is run for 10 weeks after which an optional exam is taken. However, you need to sit for the exam to receive your certificate. Numbers average about 20 a term and other congregations have started joining the classes.

The many classes conducted in St Mary's on a Monday night.

We even get to learn Latin!!!! ... or was it Greek?

Trying to understand why Luther and Zwingli couldn't meet eye-to-eye.

We are currently accepting registration for the Course. If you are interested, please email smacc.info@gmail.com or contact Patrick Joseph or Lynn Ngui.

Let us keep on keeping on together in faith.

debibo x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, learning about Luther and Zwingli is sooooo coool! sign us up. but since we're not in KL, we will need to do a correspondence course of a correspondence course. now that's a bit confusing.