Our Mission:

To glorify God in response to His grace by making disciples of Jesus Christ.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Global Gospel, Global Era

Here is a thoughtful paper from David Wells and Os Guinness on Christian discipleship in a globalised age.

An excerpt:
Christians are by definition great communicators, and the global era is by definition the great age of communication, so the potential for outreach in the global world can hardly be overstated. With the destruction of traditions, the collapse of traditional certainties, and the melting down of traditional roles and allegiances, there is greater political liberty, greater social fluidity, greater religious diversity and greater psychological vulnerability than ever before in history. As a result, human beings in the global era have been described as “conversion prone,” and more open than ever to consider new faiths. We therefore face the prospect of spreading the Gospel in a manner that is “freer, faster, and farther” than ever before in the church’s history, a prospect that must be seized with faith and courage.

At the same time, it would be naïve not to see that the increased challenges to mission and evangelism are equally powerful, and must be faced frankly...
The paper is worth a careful read in its entirety.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Making the most of Sunday mornings

...There is absolutely nothing like the local church. The church universal is God’s global display of his life transforming grace. The church local is one of the most profound experiences of that grace this side of eternity.

Hebrews 10 informs us of the value of the local church–it is the training ground for the age to come. In the local church, God’s people are to “stir one another up to love and good works . . . all the more as you see the Day drawing near” (vv24-25).

If the local church is the believer’s training ground in which to prepare for the Lord’s return, we ought to think very carefully about how we "do life" together in the church.

How might we do that? 4 suggestions:
1. Come to church
2. Sing, and sing loudly!
3. Talk to people
4. Let your fellowship extend beyong your corporate gatherings

For an expansion of these 4 points, you can read the whole thing here.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Stephen Hawking, God and science

Here's an article by Alister McGrath on Stephen Hawking, God and the role of science.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Following Jesus

© Josh Harris 2010. Posted with permission.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Light in the workplace - notes on the launch event

On the 21st of August, we organised a Christians in the workplace event. "Be a light in the Workplace" was held as a dinner social to get Christians together, and to think through the impact a Christian can have in the workplace. We held it at a neutral venue, MeatWorks, in order to create a relaxed ambience and a conducive environment to look into the Bible to see what God has to say about work. 40 of us from various churches enjoyed a nice 3 course meal and heard a short talk and testimony before grilling a panel with questions over desert and coffee. We hope this launch event will act as a springboard to spawn a network of Christians from different churches, excited about seeing their workplaces as a platform for ministry.

The theme of the evening was based on Matthew 5:14 – 16, where Jesus calls us all to be a light that others may see our good deeds and praise our Father in Heaven. It also serves as our mission statement: Bringing Christ to Work; Pointing Workers to Christ.

Many Bible-believing Christians have 2 common misunderstandings about the workplace. God appears absent and/or disinterested in our Monday mornings; he is there only in church on Sunday. This often translates to a compartmentalised view of life, where God's Lordship is not expressed in every sphere of our life. Our aim, therefore is to be “Bringing Christ to Work”. Secondly, many Christians fail to see the workplace as a place of witness. Yet the workplace is where we spend most of our waking hours. Our colleagues are amongst those we interact with most regularly. It is where a non-Christian will see the way we deal with deadlines, work pressures, difficult colleagues/bosses, tough commitments, even office gossip. Our aim, therefore, is to to be “Pointing Workers to Christ”.

As Christians, we are light (Matthew 5:14). If we are clear that God is working out his purposes even in the workplace, then we would surely want to be working in line with his will, doing good. We would want to point our work colleagues to our Father in heaven with our words and deeds, that they might praise Him rather than ourselves.

There was generally positive and constructive feedback from the evening. We hope future events would be even more helpful to those coming. Even more, our hope is that all of us will be challenged to be a light in the workplace, pointing our work colleagues to Christ.

The next event will explore this theme of evangelism in the workplace in more detail. It will be happening on the 27th of November, 7pm in Skewers Restaurant, Subang. For more information, contact Gary Lee at Gary.Y.Lee at shell dot com

Gary Lee

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Koran burning and the Gospel

Here are a couple of articles to help you think through a Christian response to the threat by Terry Jones to burn Korans. Hope you find them helpful.



Monday, September 6, 2010

Klang Valley Bible Conference 2010

The Klang Valley Bible Conference (KVBC) is back for its 2010 edition! This year, we welcome back Dr. Don Carson, research professor at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and an active Bible teacher worldwide. He will be preaching on selected parables of Jesus.

Date: September 13th - 15th, 2010
Time: 8.15pm - 10.00pm
Venue:Clubhouse of the Tropicana Golf and Country Resort
Fee : Free!

See you there!