Our Mission:

To glorify God in response to His grace by making disciples of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Word Works - Isaiah

Word Works is 2 days designed to help Christians to learn to read the Bible better. We encourage you to make the effort to be equipped for reading the Bible faithfully, in order to minister to the saints and to the growth of God’s people (Eph 4:11-12).

Isaiah is sometimes called the “Fifth Gospel”. In this work of immense power and breathtaking scope, the God of Israel announces himself as the God of all the world, and reveals his great plans for Israel and the nations. The book of Isaiah deals with themes that are foundational to the gospel by which we are saved: sin, judgment, grace, faith, atonement, salvation, justification and hope. Isaiah contains the clearest indications in the Old Testament of the universal scope of God’s plans for the world. It focusses on a figure called the “servant”, whose sacrificial death will bring justification for many, and will lead to Spirit-empowered evangelists proclaiming the good news to the world.

Here's your chance to get a handle of what can be an intimidating book, as well as an opportunity to grasp more deeply the gospel of Jesus Christ. Lionel Windsor, who is currently working on his PhD at Durham University, will be speaking.

Register here,spaces are limited!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The power of example

Timothy and Epaphroditus. 2 names, 2 different kind of people. But both commended as examples by Paul to us, encouraging us to live for Christ, and to serve one another. (Phil. 2:19-30)

Peter Sholl, via the Mexican president Avila Camacho, reminds us that the Apostle Paul himself too is commended to us. In him, we see the value of personal example.

One more contemporary example are the Littles. Libby Little reflects on suffering for the sake of the kingdom, an article made more poignant by the fact that her husband, Tom was murdered shortly afterwards, along with 9 others, in Afghanistan.

May we, like them, keep on striving for Christ and his kingdom.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Be a light in the workplace

How to be a light in the workplace? Come along to think through how we might be "Bringing Christ to Work, and Bring Workers To Christ" as we look at the bible, listen to testimonies, grill a question panel and enjoy a delicious 3-course meal on Sat 21st Aug 7pm. Not to be missed!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Training the next generation to hope in God

From a Bob Kauflin talk on Psalm 78

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Nowism of the Gospel

...Jason's problem was that he was lost in the middle of his own faith. It had become harder and harder for him to connect the beauty of what he believed to the gritty and often difficulty realities of his daily life. Jason's problem was that he carried a gospel around with him that had a great big hole in the middle of it.

Jason could explain to you what it meant to say that he had been "saved by grace," and he knew that he was going to spend eternity with his Savior. His problem was in the here and now. Day after day, in situation after situation and relationship after relationship, Jason didn't carry with him a vibrant and practical sense of the nowism of the grace of Jesus Christ. Yes, Jason believed in life after death, but he desperately needed to understand life before death; the kind of radical life you will live when you understand what Christ has given you for the life he has called you to right here, right now....

Read the whole thing.