Our Mission:

To glorify God in response to His grace by making disciples of Jesus Christ.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

A berry good time

A church that doesn't pray is like a fish that doesn't swim. Although the theological parallel to it may seem a little dubious, the point is that as a church we MUST pray. Why is that?

As a church, Christ is our head and as it is written,

"From [Christ] the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work." Ephesians 4:16

Praying to God means communing with God. Our prayer life reflects our relationship with God. To that end, if we are the body of Christ, we should pray to God to acknowledge Him as our Lord and Saviour, to seek His will, bring our petitions before Him and to Him for His blessing and goodness.
SMACC team is primarily a monthly prayer meeting where we come together as brothers and sisters before a great God. There is good food and fellowship and a time to get to know people from other congregations but our focus at SMACC team is to pray, trusting in God's sovereignty to lead us and perfect us as a church, according to His will.



For all cat lovers, the Wamsteekers have a gorgeous Norwegian Forest cat called Harald.

Let us keep on keeping on together in faith.

debibo x

Monday, November 17, 2008

Certificate in Theology

In case you didn't know, we offer a theological course throughout the year. Affiliated with Moore College, Australia, it is a distance-learning programme which covers various topics such as the Old and New Testaments, Bible doctrine and church history, just to name a few. Each subject is run for 10 weeks after which an optional exam is taken. However, you need to sit for the exam to receive your certificate. Numbers average about 20 a term and other congregations have started joining the classes.

The many classes conducted in St Mary's on a Monday night.

We even get to learn Latin!!!! ... or was it Greek?

Trying to understand why Luther and Zwingli couldn't meet eye-to-eye.

We are currently accepting registration for the Course. If you are interested, please email smacc.info@gmail.com or contact Patrick Joseph or Lynn Ngui.

Let us keep on keeping on together in faith.

debibo x

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Community Lunch @ SMACC 1

I managed to have my fried chicken this month!!

Patrick and Joyce

Thank you Ethan for the use of your camera :)

Let us keep on keeping on together in faith.

debibo x